for most, buying a home is one of the biggest investments you'll ever make. I make it my job to protect you as buyer, ease your stresses, and help you focus on what's going to make you happy! So when the time comes and you’re ready to move forward on a purchase, you'll know what to expect: This is just a tiny insight into the steps explained in my detailed buyers package:
If you require a mortgage, the first step will be to review different lender options and obtain your pre-approval letter. don't be afraid to shop around, you may be offered different rates, or feel more comfortable with a different lender. Once you obtain your pre-approval, you can see what falls within your budget and increase your chances of your offer being accepted by sellers!
Many first time buyers are unaware that there will be some additional closing costs. they range from approximately 3-5% of the purchase price and cover important things like legal fees, appraisal, home inspection, land transfer tax, property tax, insurance etc. This list sounds daunting but it is standard and you wont have to sort it out alone! just be sure you're aware of these costs and have them set aside in an accessible account for when you find that perfect home!
What areas of the city do you want to live? What are the "must haves" you need in your new home, do you want to renovate, or be move in ready? we will discuss these things and I will formulate a strategy to find you a property based on what is important to you, the current market condition, and what is available. I'll show examples of various properties within your price range so there is a transparency about what is available. This detailed process will allow me to fight for what is most important to you.
My strategic negotiation is critical to you securing the best possible price for your future home. At that critical time, I will provide with all of your options. I will read the situation carefully and determine if a more aggressive manoeuvre or soft touch is required to obtain the best deal.
Many agents will consider this to be the end of their client/agent relationship. With me, this is not the case! I will be there to answer questions during the closing of the sale. I can forward you to any necessary reputable professionals you may need such as inspectors, lawyers, contractors, cleaners etc. and check in on you during your move and the days following after.
Additionally I offer:
Comprehensive Guides: Whether this is your first time buying or your third, you will receive the help you need. I have created a detailed guide to help you understand the process and know exactly what to expect every step of the way!
A Private Online Hub: Moving to an unfamiliar neighborhood? need to find your kids a new daycare? a new vet for your pet? You can have all of your questions answered in the private-invite only online hub. You think that's good? This service also automates a to do list based on commonly forgotten steps during a move. Never forget to forward your address again!